Woody’s Wasteland Stuff – WoodysWasteland Stuff Vermillion Frost – Former Enclave General – Vermillion Frost – Former Enclave GeneralįAR – Faraway Area Reform – FAR – Default Resolution KS Hairdos – Addon(s) with Physics – KS Hairdos Addon(s) with Physics – SUNMOON9 Transfer Settlements – Shareable Settlement Blueprints – Transfer Settlements 1.48 Vanilla Barn Additions – 2.0.1 SMM supported versionįSM Body Textures – CBBE Texture Mashup – FSM Body Textures 401 – Base.7zĮye Normal Map Fix Fallout 4 Edition – Eye Normal Map Fix 1b

Gruffydd’s Signs and Posters – GruffyddSandP3.31

I'm not asking to share this here, you or anyone else that would be kind enough to help me, just send me a friend invite.Dinozaurz Evanpox MsRae DAmanding Mimaef FrogprincessQ4 Sarinia I can't believe that I lost my favorite mod, probably forever. If somehow you could send me this mod, I promise I'd be entirely grateful. And honestly? I GET IT! It's the right thing to do but for the love of god, I am serious when I say that I can't play this game without this mod anymore. Everyone so far won't hear a word about it, they don't want to give it. I literally spent almost the entire last two days trying to convince anyone on the internet to help me on this matter. But, please hear me out.I swear, I won't share this online or to anyone else. Either way, I promise I'm not going to bother you again guys, but I had to try. You don't even have to reply to me, you may just ignore me if you think I'm not trustworthy. I know it isn't right for me asking someone to send me this mod again but you see how unlucky I am right? I honestly wouldn't care if it was any other mod, but not this one, it was my favorite. It breaks my immersion heavily, I LOVED it. And I just can't play without Scavenged Armour. But - what I'm saying is that literally the one day I decided to format my pc he took his mods down. Personally I never had the intention to share any of his mods online neither I had in the past with any other mod so please don't compare me with actual thieves that do all these stuff. I get why he (the author) did what he did. Honestly, without this mod the game is literally unplayable to me. Originally posted by Creamy Goodness:I don't particularly want to share a mod without the authors permission, but that said if anybody can get in contact with him/her and ask if it's cool then I am more than happy to.